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Eternal God, bless President Donald J. Trump, and America, our great nation. | |
Guide us to remember the words of the Psalmist, “Who may dwell on your holy mountain? One who does what is right and speaks the truth”; (after Psalms 15:1-2) | |
Who knows that “when you eat the labor of your hands, you are praiseworthy” (Psalms 128:2); [who knows] that “he who sows in tears shall reap in joy” (Psalms 126:5) — because the freedoms we enjoy are not granted in perpetuity but must be reclaimed by each generation. As our ancestors have planted for us, so we must plant for others.[1] after Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 23a 53-60, story of Ḥoni haMa’agal “While it is not for us to complete the task, neither are we free to desist from them” (Pirkei Avot 2:16)[2] In the name of Rabbi Tarfon. | |
“Dispense justice for the needy and the orphan” (Psalms 82:3) — for they have no one but their fellow citizens and because their nation’s wealth is measured by her values and not by her vaults. Bless all of our allies around the world who share our beliefs. | |
“By the rivers of Babylon, we wept as we remembered Zion… If I forget thee O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.” (Psalms 137:1-5) | |
“…The doer of all these shall never falter.” (Psalms 15:5 part)[3] Cf. Psalms 15:3-5 for the complete admonition. Note, Rabbi Hier’s prayer began with Psalms 15:1-2. | |
May the days come soon “when justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness will abide in the fertile fields and the work of righteousness will be peace, quietness, and confidence forever.” (Isaiah 32:16-17) | |
Amen. |
Rabbi Marvin Hier offered this prayer of blessing for Donald Trump and the United States of America on January 20, 2017 at the inauguration day ceremony, whereafter it was entered into the Congressional Record (a U.S. government document in the Public Domain). Misgivings over Rabbi Hier’s presentation of a prayer at this ceremony reflected widely felt opposition within the Jewish community to any normalization of “President” Trump’s unpopular election to the chief executive office. — A.N. Varady, ed.


“Inauguration Day Prayer for Donald Trump, by Rabbi Marvin Hier (2017)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
I think that “Notes 2. Psalms 128:8” should be “Notes 2. Psalms 128:2”. It’s the second verse (There is no verse 8 in Psalm 128).
Andreas Rusterholz
Corrected and thank you!